35mm Film Street Photography - Analog Camera (Part 1)

In this gallery I show case some of my Street Photography Adventures through my Analog Cameras. I’ve been going back to Film simply for the aesthetic look and the overall experience of working with it. This experience can’t be explained unless you take the camera in hand and start taking photos. I still use my digital camera but at some point I wanted to get back that enthusiasm and passion of taking photos without having to worry about looking at the screen to check my shots.

Analog Street Photography is amazing as you have to get the right moment at the right time with a manual focusing camera which makes it difficult and you can’t even check if you got the right shot until the film is developed. So this challenge brings back the passion of when I first started photography, it makes me become more aware of my surroundings and also really focus on what I can capture but with minimum time to really think about the shot. There’s multiple types of street photography but for me I tend to focus more on people and being sneaky to get those candid shots.

Camera that I’ve been using are Fuji STX-2 | Minolta Hi-Matic 11 | Ricoh Singlex II and I’ve got another camera which I haven’t tried yet and it’s the Kodak Six-20 Folding Brownie, I’m really looking forward to try this beautiful piece of art. I will be sure to share some of my shots from the Kodak on my my Blog page.

In regards to Film that I use so far I’ve been using Kodak Portra 400 | Fujicolor C200 both has different type of grain which then gives different finish, I can say that I like both..

If you’re looking to give it a shot, there’s many cameras out there as well as different type of film. Analog street photography is very much a road worth going down and you won’t be disappointed of the overall experience.

Don’t forget to follow me on instagram @legrand_streets to get my latest street photography adventures.

En Noir et Blanc

It’s been a while since I’ve done some monochrome photography so I thought why not having my next street photography series in black and white.

So here it is some of my previous street photography works.

Follow me on instagram: @Legrandesign to get my most recent photography works.